We were made to make a difference. When we connect our gifts, passions and
abilities to what God is doing in a local church it makes us come alive. We grow
and we get to see others grow. There’s nothing like it. We’d love to help you
find your place to serve and make a difference. Fill out the form below and we’ll
be in touch to get you plugged in.
Ministry Teams
Here at VantagePoint, our ministry teams are the ones who make Sunday services and outreaches happen. We have several different teams that you can apply to join. Read through, and click below to fill out an application.
Worship Team
Do you sing or play an instrument? We would love to meet you and hear your heart for worship. Our team leads on a rotation basis and we are always looking for passionate worshipers to join our team.
Tech Team
Our Tech Team includes sound, lighting, and pro-presenter. This team works behind the scenes to make our services flow effortlessly and smoothly. If you have a tech skills or experience OR you are open to learning, we would love to meet with you!
First Impressions Team
First Impressions Ministry includes our Host Team, Hospitality Team, and Parking/Welcome Team. This ministry’s heart is to make every person feel seen & cared for when they come to VPC. This ministry is always looking for new people to join and serve on Sundays.
Kid's & Nursery Ministry
Our kids and nursery teams serve on a rotation on Sunday mornings where they get to love on our kids and teach them about Jesus. This team is in need of more volunteers to invest in our kids!
Venture Youth Ministry
Venture Youth has services on Sundays @ 6:30pm for 6th-12th graders. Services include games, snacks, worship, message, and small groups. Volunteer to be a youth leader and make an impact on our young people’s lives!
Prayer Team
Our prayer team serves on Sundays after service at the altars to pray with people. This team also messages throughout the week to pray over requests people send in. This group is always looking for more prayer warriors.
Groundskeeping Team
This team keeps and maintains the VantagePoint property, keeping it clean and safe for ministry. If you are willing to weedwack, make repairs, leafblow, etc. join this team- we can work with your schedule!
Isaiah 58:12 Ministry
Based on the passage Isaiah 58:12, “…you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” That is exactly what this ministry does. For anyone in need of an urgent/necessary repair in their home/yard, this team will come out and help. There is an application process to have your project chosen. Volunteer to be on the team to help work on these projects to bless those in need.
Widow's Ministry
This ministry hosts quarterly widow’s lunches that include a homemade meal, guest speaker, and other fun activities for widows to connect and have community. Volunteer to serve on this team to help make these encouraging lunches happen!